Let me tell you a story. 

About 1.5 years ago, I got the idea that I should start doing calisthenics. You know, that workout discipline where you work a lot with your body weight, on bars, for example. It also includes handstands and some gymnastic-like movements.

I got in touch with a club close to where I live, and was pretty excited to get started.

However, it turned out that the main trainer who was to work with me, was spending the winter abroad, and couldn’t take me on until months later.

So what happened? During that time I lost the spark, and I never got started.

Why was that?

Answer: I was not at all clear on my WHY.

WHY was I going to start this movement practice when I already have a great yoga practice, a strength workout practice and a daily cardio workout routine?

I still don’t know.

And that lack of knowledge is why I never went on to start with calisthenics.

Because in order to start – and STICK – to something you need to have full clarity on your WHY.

Your WHY is going to be your motivation, the reason that you keep going and going.

And most often ”because it could be fun” or ”because it would be good for me” isn’t a strong enough WHY.

So ask yourself:

WHY do you want to have a consistent yoga practice?

”Because I’d love to be sculpted and flexible”

Ok, fair enough. But WHY do you want to get sculpted and flexible?

”Because it would make me feel so much better about myself if I was sculpted”

Ok, and what would that lead to?

”I would have more confidence and I would be a stronger force in my career and / or I would be able to find the love of my life”

You see where we’re going with this?

When you start to unravel your WHY, you keep going until you get to the source. That is your real WHY.

It could be ”Because I want to feel loved and cared for” or ”It’s my deepest desire to feel I’ve contributed to other peoples lives” or whatever it is you feel deep down. 

And this is why you should never neglect the work you do with your body, your workouts and movement practices.

If they are connected to your deeper WHYs, they are key to feeling fulfilled and living at your full potential.

So do the work, grab pen and paper and get to know your why’s.

Then you have the biggest motivation ever to get moving – because your physical wellness is forever linked to your overall feeling of happiness and joy!

When you’re clear on your why – Download the Yoga Flow Queen app and begin my new FREE Flow Yoga Starter Program! It’s an amazing way to get started with this movement practice that is strong, empowering and at the same time kind on your joints, and great to get a sculpted body!

With love and compassion



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